Hunger Doesn't Go On Vacation

As summer approaches, many of us look forward to a break—but for countless families, hunger doesn’t take time off. That’s why we’re relaunching the “Hunger Doesn’t Go on Vacation” food drive to support your local food bank. Summer is especially tough, with donations dropping just when food banks need it most.

Why it matters:

  • Year-Round Need: While donations decline after the holidays, food insecurity doesn’t take a break. The summer months can be especially difficult for families.

  • Community Impact: Your contribution helps provide vital support for those who are struggling, ensuring no one goes hungry when resources are scarce.

  • Teach the Value of Giving: This is a chance to show that helping others goes beyond the holidays—our community’s needs don’t pause for the season.

How schools can help: We’re asking each grade to bring in non-perishable items like canned vegetables, pasta, rice, and breakfast cereals. A single donation from every student can make a huge impact when we all come together!
How businesses can help: Reach out to your local food bank to inquire about the most-needed food items, and organize a food drive around those necessities. You could also host a 'Casual Friday' dress-down day for those who contribute food items to the food bank.

Need More Info? We’re here to help! Bank on Bellies is ready to provide you with posters, food pickup and delivery services, or anything else you may need to make this campaign a success!

Let’s Make a Difference Together!